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What Elizabeth Hurley Has Learned In Nearly Three Decades of Breast Cancer Activism
octobre 13, 2021Like

What Elizabeth Hurley Has Learned In Nearly Three Decades of Breast Cancer Activism

Elizabeth Hurley first aligned herself with the Estée Lauder Companies Breast Cancer Campaign in 1995, after she was approached by Evelyn Lauder to use her platform as a model to talk about something important: “She said ‘It’s for breast cancer. Women all over the world are dying and no one is talking about it. And I want to change that.’” Hurley, who lost her own grandmother to breast cancer just a few years before, did join up with Lauder’s cause
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How Often Should You Floss?
octobre 13, 2021Like

How Often Should You Floss?

It’s no secret that dentists will try almost anything to get people to brush and floss daily. And if they can get you to floss even semi-regularly, most are happy. Still, if you want to do more than the bare minimum for your oral health, how often should you really be flossing? (You know, not just before a dentist’s appointment.)We spoke with dentists and a germ expert to learn more about why flossing is so important, and more. Plus, they
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This Urine Colour Chart Reveals Exactly What Your Pee Colour Means
octobre 13, 2021Like

This Urine Colour Chart Reveals Exactly What Your Pee Colour Means

The colour of your pee can tell you a lot about your overall healthif you know what you are looking at and for. The shades of urine are as diverse as the colours in a rainbow. And urine can change colours for many different reasons. Some factors include the food you eat, the amount of water you drink, the medicines or vitamins you take, certain medical conditions, or how often and hard you hit the gym, according to Marisa Clifton,
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What Cholesterol Levels Mean and Why They Matter
octobre 13, 2021Like

What Cholesterol Levels Mean and Why They Matter

If you or loved ones have high cholesterol, you probably already know it’s a cause for concern. The levels of cholesterol in your blood are linked to a risk for cardiovascular problems, including heart attacks and strokes. But even if your cholesterol levels are normal, you need to be mindful of what cholesterol is and what you can do to keep your numbers in a healthy range.Thankfully, finding out your cholesterol level is a relatively painless process. And once you
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How to Embrace the Goodness of Slow
octobre 13, 2021Like

How to Embrace the Goodness of Slow

With all the time weve been spending inside, the line between our work and home life has blurred and the burnout is very real. That’s why it’s more important than ever to slow down and take stock of what’s really important in our lives. It’s only when we slow down that we’re truly able to recharge, refocus, and relax.Here are a few ways to embrace the slow living lifestyle. Video Credit: Tori Wesszer of Fraiche Living Unplug and disconnect The
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Flu Season Is Going to Hit Hard. Here’s How to Prepare
octobre 13, 2021Like

Flu Season Is Going to Hit Hard. Here’s How to Prepare

Sweater weather means its time to roll up our sleeves and get another important immunization: the flu shot.In a typical year, there are about 3,500 flu-related deaths and 12,000 flu-related hospitalizations nationwide in Canada. The seasonal flu is especially dangerous for young children, older adults, people with chronic medical conditions, pregnant people and those who are two weeks post-partum.Last year, some experts predicted a twindemica surge in both COVID and flu cases at the same time. But due to public
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The Real Reasons You Had a Nightmare Last Night
octobre 13, 2021Like

The Real Reasons You Had a Nightmare Last Night

Nearly 70 percent of people have adult nightmares (especially during the pandemic)with an amazing 30 percent of us reporting that these terrifying dreams jerk us out of sleep as often as once a month. Its time to put our sleep deprivation to rest and conquer this issue head on.(Related:3 AM and Wide Awake? Heres How to Sleep Through the Night) What triggers adult nightmares? Adult nightmares can be caused by medications, genes, degenerative neurological diseases like Alzheimers, last nights tamales,
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A Guide to Neck Pain Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Relief
octobre 13, 2021Like

A Guide to Neck Pain Symptoms, Causes, Treatments, and Relief

While most acute cases of neck pain resolve on their own, nearly half of people with neck pain will experience future episodes. (Related:These Office Chairs Make Working from Home So Much More Comfortable) Potential causes of neck pain There are a variety of neck pain causes. “With over 300 muscles in the neck, it is common to irritate or ‘over-stretch’ a muscle from overuse or overexertion such as turning the head side to side in a repetitive fashion,” adds Rahul
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The Health Benefits of Honey (Beyond Soothing Sore Throats)
octobre 13, 2021Like

The Health Benefits of Honey (Beyond Soothing Sore Throats)

Honey is not only popular for baking, toast and tea, it’s also a great home remedy and has several different uses. It is used as an antibacterial agent, effective wound dressing, remedy for sore throats and tickly coughs and as a face mask to relieve dry skin. The best part is, it’s readily availableyou probably already have some at home.(Related: Try our recipe for Rustic Honey-Roasted Carrots with Thyme) How to use honey as a health remedy Honey has a
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Bring Down a Fever Naturally With These Home Remedies
octobre 13, 2021Like

Bring Down a Fever Naturally With These Home Remedies

If your forehead is fiery with fever, you could reach for acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil) to lower your temperature.But if your fever is 38.3C (101F) or below, don’t be afraid to let it run its course. If you’re uncomfortable, though, and you want to take action, try these tips for home remedies that can help to tame the fire.(Related:Flu Season Is Going to Hit Hard. Here’s How to Prepare) How to cool your fever Take a bath in lukewarm
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Mental Health Resources for Indigenous Peoples
octobre 13, 2021Like

Mental Health Resources for Indigenous Peoples

There is not a human being on this planet that does not yearn for the deep reconciliation of the human spirit. These words from Chief Dr. Robert Joseph, the Ambassador for Reconciliation Canada and a member of the National Assembly of First Nations Elders Council, were shared in 2017, but they resonate both in the past, present and our future.As Indigenous (Mtis, Inuit, and First Nations) people, our mental health issues can be intergenerational and deeply intertwined with our sense
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How can sugar affect our mental health?
octobre 13, 2021Like

How can sugar affect our mental health?

What’s the relationship between sugar and mental health, and how can we make sure it’s a balanced one? Sugar plays a huge role in our food culture, packed into tasty treats and everyday snacks. That said, it’s fair to say the sweet stuff doesn’t have the best press, with the way that it can negatively affect our physical health widely known and accepted – but is there a relationship between sugar and our mental health? Does consumption have any effect
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