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janvier 30, 2025Like

HPV Vaccination Around the World

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. + Infographic text HPV (human papillomavirus) is very common — so common that almost all of us will get it at some point.  HPV infections often go away on their own, but the virus can cause some types of cancer. Nearly all cervical cancers are caused by HPV, and the HPV vaccine works really well to prevent infection. More than 9 out of 10 cancers caused by HPV can be prevented with vaccination  
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janvier 30, 2025Like

WomenTalk: The Lowdown on Gynecologic Cancer

In the first episode in our series of WomenTalk on gynecologic oncology, we’ll learn all about cervical, endometrial and ovarian cancers. Watch more WomenTalk episodes
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janvier 30, 2025Like

A Study Just Linked Smartphones to Teen Aggression & Hallucinations. Here’s What Parents Can Do

We know that technology plays a big role in the teen mental health crisis (although it’s definitely not the only thing driving it). But the specifics of how tech is hurting our teens is getting us more and more concerned, and one new study on smartphones made us stop in our tracks. The report, released this month by Sapien Labs, found that younger teens have worse mental health outcomes among Gen Z, with feelings of aggression, anger, and hallucinations “rising
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janvier 30, 2025Like

How Shared Decision-Making Can Lead to Better Healthcare

It may seem strange now, but there was a time when patients weren’t always included in their healthcare decisions. “Doctor knows best” was the vibe — and the practice. Would you believe that it used to be routine for patients to not be told what their diagnosis was? Healthcare providers (HCPs) or family members often made treatment decisions without telling or even asking the patient. This still happens unfortunately but, thankfully, it’s no longer the norm. Shared decision-making is a
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janvier 30, 2025Like

Understanding Dry Begging in Relationships: The Soft Manipulation of Narcissists

Relationships are complicated as they are, but they can become more so when manipulation comes into play. This one might be subtle but equally impactful out of many forms of manipulation. Known as dry begging, this manipulation tactic gets overlooked. However, it can have strong emotional effects. Unlike direct requests and clear intentions, dry begging involves dropping subtle hints with hidden intentions to trigger sympathy. This behavior is common among narcissists who use this soft manipulation to meet their needs
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janvier 30, 2025Like

Parents really do have a favorite child

Did your parents have a favorite child? Research published in the Psychological Bulletin suggests they may have and the factors contributing to favoritism may surprise you. “Parents tend to favor daughters, agreeable children (those who are compliant) and the conscientious (those who are responsible),” Alexander Jensen, PhD, lead author of the study and an associate professor at Brigham Young University told Theravive. “80% or more of the population has at least one sibling. I have siblings, and I have kids. It’s a question we’ve
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janvier 29, 2025Like

True or False: Donating Blood

January is National Blood Donor Month. Did you know that every time you give blood you’re saving a life? In fact, one donation can save up to three lives, according to the American Red Cross. If that doesn’t have you rolling up your sleeve, consider the fact that every two seconds someone in America needs blood because of an accident, disease or surgery. That means you or someone you love could benefit from a donation at some point in your
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janvier 29, 2025Like

For Sheryl Lee Ralph, Heath Conversations Start in the Family Group Chat

When you speak with Sheryl Lee Ralph, it’s hard to believe that this is her first time living life like the rest of us. She is all about sharing her knowledge with everyone around her. A Hollywood mainstay since the 1970s, the Abbott Elementary star is more than an acting icon: she also wants to make sure people learn how to be their best selves, their healthiest selves, and figure out how to love themselves along the way. Ralph is
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janvier 29, 2025Like

The Psychology Behind Why You Feel the Zeigarnik Effect

There’s always something to go back to; maybe an unfinished game, the TV show you didn’t finish watching, that conversation you never got to have, or something else just aborted. We’ve all had those moments, hobbies, and situations when we just didn’t finish what we started. If you also have those moments, then you might be glad to know that there’s a term for it! The Zeigarnik Effect. The Zeigarnik effect explains why we can’t stop obsessing or thinking about
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janvier 28, 2025Like

Plain Language Summaries Can Give You the Power To Participate in Your Own Care

When doctors talk to each other about scientific research and medical discoveries, it can sound like they’re speaking another language. As a patient, you may think, “This is all Greek to me!” And it might as well be. When scientists publish their research findings, they’re not writing for you and me. They’re writing for each other. They share a secret language, usually open only to those who have advanced science education or extensive experience conducting research. The average healthcare consumer
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janvier 28, 2025Like

Should You Take a Blood Test for Menopause?

If this is the first time you’re hearing the term “perimenopause” — welcome! We’ve been expecting you. Everyone who gets a period goes through menopause, and perimenopause refers to the time period leading up to the day when you’re officially out of the egg-dropping game — aka no more periods. During this time, your hormone levels start to decline and many women and people assigned female at birth (AFAB) experience a wide range of menopausal symptoms, including hot flashes, fatigue
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janvier 28, 2025Like

New Study Looks At Trauma Exposure And Childhood Psychiatric Disorders

A new study published in the Lancet looked at associations between childhood trauma and childhood psychiatric disorders in Brazil. “This study looks at the impact of childhood trauma exposure on the mental health of adolescents at ages 15 and 18 in a Brazilian birth cohort,” study author Megan Bailey told us. Bailey is an ESRC-Funded PhD Researcher in the Department of Psychology at the University of Bath. “Most studies investigating the association between childhood trauma and mental health problems have
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