Having a narcissistic daughter is one of the most overwhelming and challenging tasks, no matter how much you love your daughter, their narcissistic traits can make you feel emotionally drenched! Narcissism in daughters runs around entitlement, over-inflated ego, outshining personalities, and more!
Do you think you’re raising a narcissist daughter, read this blog to understand the tell-tale signs of a narcissist daughter and how to deal with them. Let’s get started!
List of Contents
- Is My Daughter Really Narcissistic?
- 17 Signs of a Narcissistic Daughter
- Do All Children Possess Narcissistic Traits?
- What are the Effects of Having a Narcissistic Daughter?
- Tips to Deal with a Narcissistic Daughter
- Should I Seek Treatment for a Narcissistic Daughter?
Is My Daughter Really Narcissistic?
We often term pretty-faced daughters as narcissistic, but let me tell you that’s not the case! In reality, narcissistic traits in daughters are directly concerned with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). As your daughter grows, narcissistic traits tend to change with time.
A narcissistic daughter is a person who displays narcissistic traits such as excessive preoccupation with herself and an inflated sense of self.
However, few characteristics remain the same. For example, the tendency to manipulate others, maintain a false sense of entitlement, and seek “center-stage” behavior remains the same. These common signs can help you understand if your daughter is really narcissistic or not. Psychologists believe that we all tend to have a bit of narcissism in our personality because it allows us to boost self-esteem and self-confidence.
However, narcissism in daughters becomes problematic when it is combined with ego and conscientiousness. Children might also show some signs of narcissism during toddlerhood, but it usually resolves as they age and evolve. In the next section, let’s read the signs of a narcissistic daughter who needs proper attention from her parents.
Related Read: Narcissism in Women
17 Signs of a Narcissistic Daughter
Below are some of the common signs of a narcissistic daughter:
1. Attention-craving personality:
A narcissistic daughter may seek extreme attention and might show some signs of separation anxiety as well. Narcissists tend to thrive on attention and admiration and when they don’t get enough of it, they might develop stress or anxiety.
2. Disturbed identity:
Narcissistic people tend to have disturbed identity because they always expect others to treat them with a higher sense and they become rigid when others are not able to meet their expectations. This makes their identity less stable.
3. Excessive vanity:
A narcissistic daughter usually spends much time choosing OOTD and grooming options. Such daughters love to have huge vanity which makes them seek compliments from others and compare them with other children of similar age.
4. Extreme sensitivity to criticism:
Narcissistic daughters are excessively sensitive to criticism, whenever you try to share information or suggest something, they will take it personally and they will last out. They tend to show narcissistic rage and injury in response to such situations.
5. Exaggerated sense of self:
Narcissistic daughters have an inflated sense of self which makes them believe they are deserving and exceptional. This leads to grandiosity as they age.
6. Excessive admiration seeking:
A narcissistic daughter seeks admiration excessively. When people are not able to provide the required attention, they can be seen as jealous, manipulative, toxic, and advantage-seeking personalities.
7. Exploitative attitude:
Narcissistic people tend to have an exploitative attitude which makes them feel they are the center of everything and people revolve around them.
8. Inability to maintain eye contact:
A narcissistic daughter is not able to make eye contact with others. She avoids looking at others because she displays a gaze. By avoiding eye contact, she tries to minimize the damage done by her to other people.
9. Lack of empathy:
Narcissistic people lack empathy which results in poor boundaries, arrogance, and disturbed identity.
10. Lack of healthy relationships or friendships:
Narcissistic daughters are not able to treat others with empathy, kindness, or compassion which is why they tend to have unhealthy relationships with friends, family members, or parents. Due to high manipulation tactics and toxicity, people are afraid to be in touch with them.
11. Lack of healthy boundaries:
Narcissistic daughters have poor boundaries with other people, they habitually and intentionally cross boundaries set by other people to gain attention and admiration.
12. Refusal to take responsibilities:
Narcissistic daughters are attention-seeking daughters with manipulation tactics, they don’t want to take up duties or responsibilities. And, if anything goes wrong, they tend to blame others because they cannot take charge of responsibilities.
13. Revenge-seeking behaviors:
Narcissistic people are egoistic and when someone hurts their feelings, they turn into revenge-seeking personalities. When they are angry, hurt, or turned down by other people, they start planning.
14. Sense of entitlement:
Narcissistic daughters have an inflated sense of entitlement which makes them feel special. This turns them into a personality that wants everything they desire.
15. Sense of specialness:
Narcissistic daughters are not able to function as a part of the family, they always want more. For example, if they have siblings, they want their parents to treat them special, and they want to be the favorite all the time. In need of “specialness”, they can do whatever is required to achieve.
16. Winner mentality:
A narcissistic daughter keeps a winner mentality and she is highly obsessed with her wins. Such daughters are not able to accept their losses and might crave attention after winning.
17. Unhealthy behaviors or pretend plays:
A narcissistic daughter in her toddlerhood can be seen engaged in her pretend plays. The pretend plays usually show unhealthy relationships and thinking. At the end of her game, she will make sure that she gains power, wins, or attention.
Do All Children Possess Narcissistic Traits?
Research shows that children tend to have a bit of narcissism, which is resolved as they age. During toddlerhood and middle childhood, all children want to seek attention and are actually self-centred. They often achieve things that make them feel superior, self-efficient, and attractive. In childhood, children don’t want to be missed at anything, they can crave attention and they can do anything for attention. This can be a good thing as it helps them build self-esteem. But in some cases, such behaviors can turn into a personality disorder.
Related Read: Can a Narcissist Change?
What are the Effects of Having a Narcissistic Daughter?
Having a narcissistic daughter can be a challenging task. Narcissism can impact people in many ways such as:
- Being skilled at emotional manipulation
- Strained family dynamics
- Lack of empathy
- Intense self-centeredness
- Emotional exhaustion
- Lack of healthy relationships and friendships
- Lack of bond with siblings
- Loneliness
- Narcissistic rage or narcissistic injury
Tips to Deal with a Narcissistic Daughter
If you think your daughter holds narcissistic traits, don’t worry, narcissism can be corrected in the early stages. It can be done by finding a balance between love, responsibilities, communication, and respect. Know that, children can have narcissistic traits, but some behaviors are not normal and they need to be corrected.
The fact is that most narcissistic people are not aware of their tendencies, therefore, you have to deal with them carefully. Here’s what you can do to deal with a narcissistic daughter:
Teach empathy and respect:
You can start by teaching them empathy and respect. This step can be challenging sometimes, but remember, as a parent or caregiver, you will have to turn down their manipulation tactics with grace. By teaching them empathy, you will be able to make them understand effectively.
Set healthy boundaries:
Take this step with love and set healthy boundaries with your children. If your daughter shows signs of narcissism, you can create rules according to their tendencies so that they can understand the impact of consequences in a healthy way.
Become a leading personality:
If your daughter shows narcissistic traits, it’s time to become her role model and lead them positively. Slowly become their friend, be part of their company, let the trust grow, and enforce healthy changes gradually. Along with this teach them unconditional love, respect, and empathy.
Practice healthy coping methods:
Work on your daughter’s anger, frustration, attention-seeking, and admiration-seeking behaviors with the help of coping methods. Start the process by understanding their root causes and try to channel out the negativities so that they can bring out positive changes altogether.
Build self-confidence:
Teach them positive ways to build self-esteem and self-confidence by not hurting their fragile ego. Remind them, that it’s not always important to be in the spotlight, instead, it’s important to be kind and compassionate every day. This step will ease their adulthood and childhood.
Take the help of positive affirmations:
Teach them love, values, success, empathy, respect, and kindness through your experiences. Praise them when they do something good and at the same time don’t take a step back when you see them involved in grandiose behaviors.
Build good behaviors internally:
No task can be done forcefully, therefore, let them feel personal and teach them good behaviors. Remember, you can’t buy their good behavior until and unless they are prepared. Prepare them for their battles with positive parenting techniques and let them learn and grow peacefully.
Assign responsibilities:
By setting healthy boundaries and clear expectations, try to enforce some responsibilities and chores so that they can understand the right values.
Should I Seek Treatment for a Narcissistic Daughter?
If you think your daughter’s narcissistic signs are uncontrollable and require to be counseled. You can connect with an experienced and certified mental health professional for proper counseling.
Remember, the sooner your child or daughter can learn new and healthy ways, the sooner they will become responsible, positive, and resilient. If you’re excessively witnessing narcissistic behaviors in your daughter, it’s always advised to connect with a professional as undiagnosed unhealthy behaviors can impact their career, adulthood, relationships, and personal life directly.
A mental health professional can help them teach values and positive behaviors with the help of therapy options such as family therapy, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), art therapy, and group therapy.
I hope this blog helps you understand the signs of narcissistic daughters and how to deal with them. Comment down and share your views through the same. For more such content, connect with us through social media.
Thanks for reading!
The post Is Your Daughter Narcissist? Important Signs To Look Out For! appeared first on Calm Sage – Your Guide to Mental and Emotional Well-being.